Lead Lined Plywood


Lead lined plywood is used for radiation shielding in construction of diagnostic imaging rooms, radiation therapy rooms, nuclear facilities and laboratories. The manufacturing process consists of laminating fire-retardant plywood  to lead sheet using a permanent adhesive.  This process creates an unpierced sheet of lead plywood to cover walls and other surfaces to provide shielding of x-rays, gamma rays and other forms of radiation.  

Lead-lined plywood is typically utilized in applications requiring a lead thickness between 1/8” and 1/2".  When the installation requires a lead thickness between 1/32" and 1/8", we suggest use of lead laminated drywall.  If a lead thickness in excess of 1/2" is necessary, the best solution for radiation protection is lead bricks or plate.

We also offer a Lead-free option where the Plywood is laminated to a tungsten composite.  You can find out more about lead-free plywood laminates here.

Lead Lined Plywood Specifications

Our lead-lined plywood is manufactured in 4′ x 8′ sheets.  These panels can be customized according to your specifications and reduced in size to facilitate installation. Since lead lined plywood at these thicknesses becomes very heavy to handle in full sheet form, we will cut to widths that equal your on-center stud spacing (e.g. 12” or 16”).  This will make the lead lined plywood much more manageable for the installation crew.

We offer lead plywood lined to 7’ as well as 4’ x 8’ sheets with full lead lining. Our range of lead lined plywood meets and exceeds government specifications regardless of the size and configuration that you order. Materials meet Federal Specification QQ-L-201 F and ASTM B 749-03 for lead-laminated fire-resistant plywood.

Standard Plywood Thicknesses:  1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4” and 1”

Standard Lead Lining Thicknesses: 1/16”, 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8” and 1/2"


Lead Plywood Weight Table

Lead Thickness Plywood Thickness
1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1”
1/16” 5.4  lbs/ft2 5.5  lbs/ft2 5.6  lbs/ft2 5.7  lbs/ft2
1/8” 9.2  lbs/ft2 9.3  lbs/ft2 9.4  lbs/ft2 9.5  lbs/ft2
3/16” 12.9  lbs/ft2 13.0  lbs/ft2 13.1 lbs/ft2 13.2  lbs/ft2
1/4” 16.7  lbs/ft2 16.8  lbs/ft2 16.9  lbs/ft2 17.0  lbs/ft2
3/8” 24.4 lbs/ft2 24.5  lbs/ft2 24.6  lbs/ft2 24.7  lbs/ft2
1/2" 31.6  lbs/ft2 31.7  lbs/ft2 31.8  lbs/ft2 31.9  lbs/ft2


Installation of Lead Lined Plywood

While installation of lead plywood is not difficult, it is always best to use an experienced crew which will install in accordance with local and state codes and standards.

Hanging Lead Plywood

The preferred method to hang the lead lined plywood is to fasten the plywood to heavy gauge metal studs in order to provide sufficient support and structural integrity.  Erect all panels in a vertical position where possible.  Only install horizontally if required by local codes.   Screw or fasten lead-lined panels every 8” on center at panel edges and 12” on center to intermediate framing members.  

When Lead lined plywood is used in the ceiling, additional fasteners are required to secure the panels to the ceiling.

Selecting Optimal Panel Sizes

Lead lined plywood can become very heavy to handle in full sheet form (4’ x 8’).  We can reduce the panel size to facilitate installation.  We recommend cutting the lead lined plywood into widths that equal your on-center stud dimensions (e.g. 16”).  This will make the lead lined plywood much more manageable for the installer. 

For example:

  • A sheet of 3/4” x 4’ x 8’ plywood with 1/4” lead lining to 7’ weighs approximately 505 lbs.
  • A sheet of 3/4”x 16”x 8’ plywood with 1/4” lead lining to 7’ weighs approximately 168 lbs.

While these small panels will require more batten strips, the ease of handling these lighter panels will more than offset the additional cost of batten strips due to reduced installation labor.

Seaming the Joints

Two-inch wide lead batten strips are often used to shield all joints.  However, we also offer Lead Angles as a convenient alternative which allows for an easier and more seamless installation.  Installation of the lead angles on vertical metal studs behind each seam to block any radiation which may penetrate the seam.

Shielding Cutouts & Penetrations

All penetrations and cutouts in the lead plywood must also be shielded. 

If lead batten strips and lead angles are used at all seams and studs, there should be no need for lead buttons for the screw penetrations.

Standard Production Leadtime

Lead-lined plywood ships in 2-3 weeks 

Need Help ?

We can recommend installation teams to help you in the construction project for in installing the lead drywall.  Please contact us if you require assistance or recommendations. 

Lead Lined Plywood Installation


If you don't see what you need or have questions, you can reach us by email, phone +1 (832) 764-7870, or use our contact form.


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